With federal and local health agencies warning about the possibility for a dangerous one-two punch with influenza season coming up along with the continued COVID-19 pandemic, business owners must keep their environment clean and safe. Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Services helps business owners of all kinds by providing cleaning and safety measures to create a good environment for tenants, employees, and customers. Below we offer tips for keeping businesses clean during the flu season. 

  • Increase cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces and encourage employees to wipe down phones, keyboards, door handles, etc. after they use them
  • If possible, consider staggered shifts for employees to minimize employee interaction. This adjustment helps reduce transmission risk.
  • Increase virtual meetings and minimize in-person events/actions.
  • Re-educate and remind employees about social distancing guidelines while in the office.
  • Increase the number of times a commercial cleaning service cleans your space.
  • Check out the CDC’s flu resources for Businesses.
  • Choose a commercial cleaning service specializing in COVID-19 Deep Cleaning Services should you ever have an outbreak in your facility.

At Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Services, our focus is on keeping your businesses clean during flu season. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your cleaning needs, and we’ll get you started on a custom cleaning program.