Office floors are one of the many areas we need to clean, but they can become a nuisance if you’re using a mop on floors that receive high foot traffic. Swap traditional methods for something a little more modern, like an auto scrubber. Here’s a definitive guide on the benefits of auto scrubbing high-traffic floors.
Less Dry Time
When using a floor scrubber, dry times are quicker. When using a mop and bucket, floors can take longer to dry, and you might spread more germs around without realizing it. Germs spread fast—because a mop used once stays clean, but when placed back into the dirty bucket, the mop becomes contaminated with the same germs you tried to get rid of in the beginning. Additionally, when using a floor scrubber, you can help avoid falls and slips from wet floors, resulting in lawsuits.
Improved Cleaning Proficiency
Your cleaning efficiency will significantly improve when you use a machine instead of a mop and bucket. Therefore, floor scrubbers are a better piece of cleaning equipment overall as they can remove dirt, grime, and grease. These are challenging to remove, but with the help of your scrubber machine, you can create a better clean floor by using a sprayer and some chemicals to create a glistening shine.
Cleaning Process Is Simpler
One of the benefits of auto scrubbing high-traffic floors is that your cleaning process becomes more straightforward, and in the end, it will save you money since you won’t have to buy additional cleaning products. Using a scrubbing machine is easy. Simply choose the settings you want. Then, you can push the machine from behind by holding onto a bar or even ride on top of it. When riding atop the machine, you drive along the dirty area.
A push or ride-on floor scrubber can work, depending on what services you’re comfortable using. Either one provides a reduction in energy that’s exerted when cleaning floors, especially in large areas. Floor scrubbers are the best modern method that helps improve the health and wellbeing of people constantly going in and out of buildings.
When you’re seeking qualified individuals for professional janitorial cleaning services, turn to Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Services. We provide intricate care for various flooring materials to help reveal the pristine beauty of your floors. Schedule a free consultation or call 404-530-0811 to start today for floor cleaning services involving one of our floor scrubbers.