With the COVID-19 pandemic, every business owner is anxious about how best to keep their spaces clean. While some businesses keep in-office gatherings to a minimum, others have worked to find ways to stay in-person and stay safe. It is possible, but it just takes preparation and consistent efforts to maintain cleanliness and distance, among other things. 

So, if you’re trying to set your strategy for getting back in your workspace, take a look below. We’ve listed some different tips on how to make your office safe for everyone. Keep in mind that this is not an all-encompassing list and that you should always double-check standards set by your local government.

Invest in Quality Ventilation Systems

You’ll want to invest in many things for your space, but one of the most important is a top-rated ventilation system. You need to make sure your ventilation systems won’t hold air stagnant and germs constant since you won’t get any fresh air from the outdoors. 

Your company will need to look into plumbing, ventilation, and filtration systems that dilute, filter, and even remove germs and pathogens. It’ll benefit your business in more ways than one.

Stick To Social Distancing Measures

Once you’re inside, social distancing measures shouldn’t go away. To make your office safe for everyone, ensure everybody follows proper protocols, including wearing masks, keeping hand sanitizers on hand, and limiting the number of people in small spaces—follow-up with CDC guidelines for social distancing.

Follow CDC Standards

Speaking of the CDC, make sure to stay up-to-date on the standards and guidelines they issue. Even after you’ve opened the office back up, you still need to remain educated. Get email alerts for any new CDC postings and check their social media each morning. Reviewing this information will help keep you and everyone else in the office as safe as possible in these situations.

Partner With a Professional Cleaning Company

Another essential step you need to take to ensure a safe space is to partner up with a professional cleaning company. You want a company that can follow-through with all COVID cleaning standards and can even identify priority areas for cleaning and sanitizing.

You should contact Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Services, Atlanta’s leading office cleaners, to help you maintain a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment for your employees and clients. We also specialize in COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Deep Cleaning Solutions. We’ll make sure all your employees feel comfortable coming back to the building each day. Contact us now to schedule a consultation!